Night Time Neuropathy Routine

Night Time Neuropathy: Pain Management Routine

There is probably no one who would elect to sleep in a bed that would feel like sleeping on pins & needles, and the pins are also burning hot. However, some people don’t have a choice but to sleep feeling a constant burning & tingling sensation, depriving them of much needed rest. The people we are talking about are suffering from nerve pain due to neuropathy, & a “night’s rest,” involves waking up anywhere from 2-5 times a night!

So, what we want to talk about today are some recommendations on possible solutions that can allow those dealing with nerve pain to get a more peaceful night's sleep.

What is neuropathy?

Neuropathy is a disease of the nerves. There are two systems of nerves in your body:

  • Central nervous system, which includes your brain and spinal cord

  • Peripheral nervous system, which includes all other nerves in your limbs, organs, skin, and elsewhere in your body

Why is neuropathy worse at night?

As frustrating as this may be…doctors don’t know why nerve pain can feel worse at night, but there are a few theories.

Simply put, during the day our minds are focused on many things all at once, and not solely focused on the pain we are in. The old, “mind over body,” isn’t entirely off base, but when you are trying to sleep, your mind isn’t focused on too many things. You’re mainly just...trying to go to sleep, but the thing preventing that is pain, and thus your mind focuses on the pain more. 

Like all cases of neuropathy, the thing that triggers a rise in pain is different for everyone, but a common link that many people have found is temperature/ humidity being a cause of nerve pain. As such, many opt to keep their bedroom nice and cold, but additionally, some add a fan blowing on them into the mix and even avoid wearing certain clothing items that are too thick or may lack airflow. This small adjustment has worked wonders for many neuropathy sufferers. 

There are many OTC neuropathy treatments available, and while one product will not work for everyone, there are options that work for most. All you need to do is try, test, & stick to a routine. However, when you’re sleeping you aren’t taking medication. So if you are “fine,” during the day, but experience most pain at night, it would be wise to look into options that can work for you throughout the night while you sleep. Neuropathy supplements are a fantastic option to ensure your body has what it needs to keep nerve pain at bay, even when you’re asleep. Finding the right long-term treatment can mean the difference between waking up in pain, and waking up refreshed!

How to Sleep at Night with Nerve Pain

As we said, the solutions that work for you may not work for someone else, but we’ve made a list of things you can test! It’s very likely that one or more of these will bring you the relief you deserve, and then all you need to do is incorporate them into your daily/ nightly routine.

Find your right temperature
The only way to find out if temperature is a trigger is to test out setting your bedroom temperature to a new setting. For some, the cold triggers the pain, and for others it’s heat. Try a few items out, and whether it’s hot or cold that you need, there’s additional products you can add to your room to help. Things like bed heaters, bed coolers, fans & space heaters, & many more can be the solution you’ve needed. 

Try new fabrics (clothes and bedding)
Believe it or not, your clothes, sheets, or blanket could be the problem. You may have SFN (small fiber neuropathy) which is a form of peripheral neuropathy that many suffer from. So, another test is swapping out the fabrics you normally sleep with for a different kind. 

Additionally, you could also try a simpler, cheaper approach which is to keep sheets and blankets off of affected areas (mostly hands and feet). 

OTC medication cycles
Many are taking advantage of pain relief products for nerve pain, and while many do great during the day, you need a solution that basically works overtime. The best solution there is a form of supplements. A balm or cream would be a great option to help you get to sleep, but a supplement will help you stay asleep as it works throughout the night.

Some are taking supplements already but take them early in the morning. If nighttime is a challenge, try finding a 2-dose supplement that you can take 1 in the morning and 1 at night. Routine is absolutely vital in this case, so you’ll have to do this a few days before you can say if it works for you or not. 

Sleep aids
A much more common and simple solution is a sleep aid to help you stay asleep despite the discomforts trying to keep you awake. There are many options here, and it’s about as simple of an explanation on why they work: You won’t feel the pain if you’re knocked out.  

Yeah, we’re going there lol. Look, if marijuana is just a big “no-go,” for you, we totally get it, and we’re not pushing it on anyone. That said, millions suffering from nerve pain in their hands and feet have described a drastic reduction in pain when they utilize marijuana in some form. Whether that be cbd oil, edibles, or smoking it. The number of cases we’ve seen leaves us confident in recommending you try it if you’re open to it, and it is legal in your state.


Remember, your body is an amazing thing, & it thrives on routine. What you’re essentially doing is training your body to do what you desire it to do (prevent nerve pain), and a routine is the way it learns. So, the longer you stick to your routine, the more your body knows what to do when nighttime comes.

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